ewimed Report 2024

Data collection 2023

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ewimed Report 2024

Data collection 2023

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This third edition of the ewimed report was produced for the first time by ewimed in an international collaboration. This provides an additional perspective on the treatment options for pleural effusion and ascites and shows that the subcutaneously tunnelled pleural and/or peritoneal indwelling catheter is used internationally for this treatment.

You will find the following topics:

The 5-year history of the data from our ewimed patient survey

A summary of 2 studies published during 2023 very relevant to pleural effusion and ascites

Quality of life of patients with IPC from the perspective of a doctor from Vienna and a patient from Sweden

The use of subcutaneously tunnelled pleural or peritoneal catheter during ongoing chemotherapy, discussed with a doctor from Switzerland

A brief overview on our European home country's healthcare markets and their challenges.

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The ewimed report 2024 publishes the latest data from the internal ewimed patient survey based on data collected in 2023. This data has been gathered from all ewimed patients nationwide in Germany and evaluated for the last 14 years. In addition, the 2023 literature on pleural effusion and ascites has been selected and summarised by the ewimed team. A special chapter of this report is dedicated to Quality of life in patients with IPC both from a medical perspective in an interview with Prof. Dr. Clemens Aigner from University Hospital/AKH Vienna in Austria and from the patient’s perspective in a case report from one of our Swedish patients. Another section in this year’s ewimed report is IPCs during ongoing chemotherapy. The oncologist Dr. Yannick Buccella from Stadtspital Zurich in Switzerland gives an interesting interview on this subject, also highlighting the possibilities and advantages of IPCs during chemotherapy.


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